Thursday, February 16, 2012

The 7th Year Begins

So I've been mentioning The 7th Year a bit and last week I started it. Here's a short video explaining the idea behind it:

The 7th Year - HOW from Joel Wilson on Vimeo.

I wanted to do this because I simply loved the idea of being intentional... not just having intentions, but actually living in an intentional way to deepen my relationship with God. I also consider it an intentional way to keep involved with Sesha and Stalena. Those girls have become my sisters and I have no doubt that we'll remain close no matter what, but I'm not naive enough to think that will happen without us continually cultivating our relationship. And so The 7th Year begins.

Each week there are two exercises to choose from and it's entirely up to each person which route they take. For my first week I started on a timeline. The exercise was to make a timeline that had things like my birth date, when I started school, when I started driving and college and so on. Remember when I told you that I promised to be honest in my postings? Well, here you go: I didn't expect too much from writing out my timeline. I mean, I already know my life, so what could plotting it out possibly prove? Apparently, a lot.

Here's what I realized as I finished my timeline: My life keeps getting better. At a time when I'm facing a huge transition my timeline spoke volumes to me. Now, I'm fully aware that I have a great life. I am often full of happiness at this thought. The difference is that I was able to tangibly see the restoration and redemption God has brought to my life. With Him, I have found healing, a career that brings me joy and allows me to serve, two sisters that provided a home of refuge and unconditional support. Here's the best part: He's not finished with my timeline! I have so much ahead of me. And with tangible evidence to prove His faithfulness, I have no reason to worry that my life is continuing to move in a good direction. Will it always be sunshine and rainbows? No. Will it be easy? Definitely not. However, God has been faithful to me, even when I couldn't see the plan, even when I was wandering, even when I didn't want to give up control. He continued to lay the groundwork of something good.

Guess what else I realized. The idea of the 7th year is not just the name of this study. Seven years ago I headed off by myself to Kansas. My time there was a mixture of things, but mostly it was hard. As I've prepared to once again go off by myself I've often thought of Kansas. And that has brought me some anxiety. But as I've prepared to leave, I've looked at the two situations and realized that the fact that I'm leaving may be the same, but I am not. I am stronger, more confident, deeply loved and supported, braver, and better equipped to handle this.

You guys, when I realized that 7 years separated my journeys I felt like was a nudge from God. I can't tell you what that means because I don't really know where He's nudging me, but it was kinda like He was saying that this is intentional. That the past seven years of preparation were not an accident or coincidence, but that they were with a purpose in mind. Are you having a "whoa, this is freaky" moment? Because I did.

I have to tell you that as nervous as I am about leaving, I also quite excited to see where this 7th year will take me, both literally and figuratively. Let the journey begin.

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