Monday, December 26, 2011

New Season, New Blog

Giddy, nervous, excited, uncertain, strong, adventurous... those are just a few of the words I feel as I prepare to embark on a new adventure. In a couple months I plan to start travel nursing. Never, never, never did I anticipate doing such a thing. The idea seemed a bit exciting, but I always dismissed it because I liked security and familiarity. Perhaps this is the biggest testament to how the Lord has helped me to grow over the last few years. He has given me the confidence to step out into the unknown.

As I get ready to jet off and make memories, I wanted to begin a new blog. I figured this new season needs a new blog. What you'll end up finding here will be a collection of travel photos, stories about new experiences, tasty treats found in new places and creations from my make-shift kitchens on the road, and honest words about what it's like going through this new season of life. This is a way for me to take you all with me. I'm going to miss my friends and family terribly... I mean it almost makes it impossible to go; however, I know that there is a purpose to this. Certainly, I will see new places, make money, and have fun. But I truly feel like God is asking me to go to places to share Him.... I desperately hope that I can pour out His love across my travels. So I must be brave and leave behind what is comfortable for the bigger picture. After all, just because I'm away from home doesn't mean those connections aren't as important and strong. Love doesn't stop at state lines.

If you currently follow my cooking blog, Hand Me An Apron, you should know that all my writings will now be here. I'll still keep Hand Me An Apron accessible because I frankly have no desire to move all the content, but any new recipes or news from here on out will be on Amy Lives Life.

Let's go off topic for a second, okay? I have gone through about 8,024 blog titles trying to think of a new blog name. My common name has meant that 8,023 of them were already used. Lame. And 99% were never even posted on, just simply stolen from those of us named Amy. Super lame. So I said, forget you all, I'm changing my name to Genevieve. But then I thought about having to write out a long first name AND a long last name, so I decided I'd stick with Amy. Now I realize I've been living life this whole time, but in some ways the title seemed to fit with the new way I'll be living life. Plus, it's a title that can encompass all the facets of what this blog will discuss (travel, food, randomness, God, maybe even relationships... oh geez). So, let's do this! Oh, and prepare yourself for anecdotes of trying to pack my entire life into my car for cross country travel. Oy vey. I'm trying to trick myself into thinking I'm a minimalist instead of the overpacker that I actually am.

Hugs and High Fives!

Oh, and if you really want additional pointless chatter, you can follow me on Twitter -- I should probably warn you that I mostly just observe and respond, but sometimes I'll post a super secret gem or two.

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